Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Wednesday Playlist Day (Off Air)

Not much to tell today.

Had to actually do some work other than music stuff, but managed to make some substitutions in the playlist to toughen it up a bit. Added more Canadian but in the rock genre, so hopefully the mix will be more evenly balanced.

It honestly feels kinda weird to be consciously changing things around to sound more like the show usually sounds. Wow, what's happening? Is there a cross over of two worlds or what?

However, there is always a bright side. I brought home a whack of CDs from the station (never do that) so that the sounds were fresh to me. The strange thing about CIUT is that there are tons of discs but no one ever uses them. In this corner at least, that is going to change, pronto.

Never a dull moment.

Have posted to blogger the playlist. Let's see how it plays out.

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