Tuesday, 29 September 2015

A Typical Tuesday (off air)

It used to be that when I was under stress, I just clock watched all night long. You know, woke every hour checking to make sure the alarm didn't crap out or the power hadn't been cut or something.

Last night, instead, I dreamt that I was doing a show and not only were the ads thrown all over the station out of their cases but I had no idea what I was supposed to be playing. The CDs were running at the same time as the prerecord ahead of me and then...DEAD AIR... and I was powerless, catatonic in fact, to do anything about it.

Woke up in a cold sweat. Later than usual, as a matter of fact.

I can only hope that when the specialists' appointments I am facing are over, things will go back to their usual mildly chaotic ways.

Mind you, I would rather have nightmares about monsters or falling than screwing up while on air.

There's no denying it, I am a programmer to the core.

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