Friday, 25 September 2015

Game Day (On Air)

You would think after all this time, years in fact, the prospect of going on air would be like rolling off a log.

 Well, have never been know for my agility and in fact feel more like I'm about to do a face plant.

Remember the episode of WKRP when Johnny Fever suddenly realized a whole whack of people were listening to him? He choked. I have to fight that each and every week, that is after I stress that the CDs for the ads and station ID will play without too much dead air and without a hitch.

Of course once the first song from the playlist actually gets going, things seem to calm down a bit. And using the same intro patter also settles jangled nerves.

Gonna let you in on a little secret.

A lot of people who go into radio are actually very shy in person. Broadcasting allows those of us who have issues with that to communicate in a safe and protected way.

Just hope I never really figure out who is on the other end of the receiver.

The other concern is how long the milk has been in the station frig.

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