Saturday, 19 September 2015

Love Your Radio

Hey everybody,

While walking the dog this morning, I suddenly was struck by an inspiration. Or maybe it was more like caffeine deficit catching up with me. Either way, I decided to start an independent blog about what goes through the mind of a programmer (me) who does an on air  show each and every week.

There's a lot more to the process than you would think. The commitment goes well beyond that 56 minutes (ads and station IDs aside) of the actual show. There's gathering music (ongoing) pulling a playlist and rearranging it 6 or 7 times until it flows, posting playlists, social media, responding to emails from bands who have stuff to share, answering mail from listeners (not as common as you would think for an open format music show on community radio LOL) occasionally attending events but more often sending regrets because everything happens on Fridays and THAT'S WHEN THE SHOW AIRS. (I'm not bitter, really I'm not)

As for the day to day stuff that happens when one is in the station proper...well that's a story unto itself.

Am going to try to do this for one year.

And thanks for listening

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