Tuesday 6 October 2015

And the Beat Goes On

When you are firmly entrenched in one style of programming, how does one switch gears?

This is a question so many volunteers have faced and can't really agree on the best way to attack it.

Am currently looking to stretch out a bit and do a more mellow, subdued late night format for another project, but while pulling music, find that the tendency to try and shake the tempo up part way through is pretty strong.

So...did a regular playlist. Slowly replaced the punk/rock/garage etc cuts with things that reminded me of them but didn't kick you in the head. Hmm...only partially successful. Rearranged the list.
Tried again to replace things that didn't really flow. Too choppy. Threw it out. Started again.

After a couple of hours, the list is far from perfect but have managed to keep the rock and roll wolves from the door.

Now I'm not even sure this is the direction I want to go.

Oh brother. This side project might be doomed. More coffee, bartender.

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