Sunday, 11 October 2015

Things to be thankful for (Off Air)

It's the Thanksgiving weekend. Got over one hurdle and have a relatively quiet day before leaping over another. Family can honestly pull you sharply out of your life of the moment and make you remember all the things that make you who you are: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I suspect that's the real reason so many of us find the holidays stressful sometimes.

However, this year, aside from being thankful that I even have a family, I am chosing to think about  other things

I live in a country where it's encouraged to vote without the threat of harm if I don't vote for the "right" candidate.

There is enough to eat and clean water to drink. Don't have to worry that if I get sick I will be making a choice between somewhere to live and health care. Take quite a long time listing all the folks who make my life full of joy and laughter.

And I can create a radio program and have it heard by friends around the world.

These are all blessings that money can't buy.

Best wishes to everyone for a peaceful and joyous time.

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