Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Post Turkey hangover (off air)

Well, survived a family weekend that would make most grown men dry.

Thank God for Tuesday.

And actually started the day off with a little (paid) work as well as sending demo discs (you know me by now, very old school) to another radio station to see if they want me on their schedule from afar.
Of course this will mean figuring out the whole art of podcasting and working from home etc etc.
Can't expect the current station to give me tech backup and studio time for someone else on a weekly basis.

Or can I? (I can be such a brat)

This is Indie week in Toronto and with that comes sourcing a shit load of music from the festival so that the playlist reflects at least some of the bands that are playing. I can see this is going to be a long night tonight.

Stay tuned for more from the happily scattered ultrabusy programmer from hell.

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