Friday, 9 October 2015

Friday Show Day (On Air)

Despite doing this for years both at this station and in Guelph many moons ago, I am always a little frightened by the prospect of going on the air. I think I have already shared that fact, but today for some reason it seems even worse than it has before. Not really sure what that's all about. I mean, it's a long weekend, people are already heading out of town to spend time with loved ones or even not so loved ones. One of my most consistent listeners is going to hear Stevie Wonder tonight as luck would have it.

Maybe I just need to remember that it's like any other holiday weekend. If no one responds to this it's no big deal. If I stumble over announcements or forget to do something, the earth will not suddenly burst into a fiery ball and end life as we know it.

Clearly I need to quit drinking coffee before show time. Maybe I need to consider taking up drinking.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking the whole thing.

Can you imagine if this was a paying, ratings dependent gig? Lord, now I am really nervous.

Time to walk the dog.

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