Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Playlist Day (Off Air)

Well, it's Wednesday. And that means it's high time the playlist was chosen for this week's show.
Sure it seems kind of early to be doing this, but in the event of a family or other crisis, it's nice to know that the one thing I don't have to worry about is Ruby Slippers.

Having said that...

The problem with setting the playlist this early, posting it online, burning it to disc and reviewing those discs is that if something really great comes up between now and Friday, well, it may just have to wait another week. I realize this sounds inflexible and rather anal retentive, but it's a system that has worked for nearly 4 years and why mess with success.  It's crazy enough that just pulling 17 songs and rearranging them, replacing the ones that don't work, rearranging again, etc etc takes hours of time.

There are days that the use of vinyl exclusively seems so much more freeing. Who cares if you shuffle the albums while doing the show?

Sadly, volunteer organizations don't have therapists on staff. Perhaps I need one.

But for now, excuse me while I go back to pulling the playlist.

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