Don't really think there is much point in blogging until the drive is over and the family crises are over.
Most listeners only know me through the weekly show, and sometimes it's hard to realize that that voice has a lot on the go, good and bad, when it's not on air.
However, despite all the goings-on this week and moving forward, membership drives can't be ignored. Have done probably about 8 at this point, either on the phones or on the air. It makes me feel so alone and unloved sometimes. For those who call in and either say hi or donate, I don't want to sound ungrateful or unappreciative. It's just that this process is a necessary part of the station's survival and somehow it always becomes a popularity contest.
I donate to a whack of shows. I don't want them to feel what I do.
Having said that, if you are reading this and support community radio, even if you don't earmark your dollars for one show, please do it during my time slot.
As the man says, reach out and touch somebody. It gets really lonely out here.
And I promise not to spend it, even for jujubes.
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