Monday 6 February 2023

The month of love and broken hearts

Greeting, music fiends.

Normally I would be working on a V-Day playlist but honestly? 

What with grey skies forever, people in distress here and abroad, I just couldn't find the right frame of mind to do so.  

I guess we will all have to somehow find it within ourselves to create the soundtrack of our lives for this month of love and heartbreak. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I am a firm believer of the power of music to elevate us above all the stuff that is going on. It's just that sometimes we all have to arrive at that place in a personal way and not peering through someone else's rose tinted glasses.

So my challenge to you, my friends, is to put together your own playlist of songs that remind you of  people you care about whether they are here or no longer within reach. If you feel like sharing it with me or anyone else is really up to you. 

Just know as you listen to me, I am also listening to you. 

Stay safe and wherever you can, spread kindness.

Back soon.

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