Monday, 5 June 2023

Here's to Spring? Summer? Sunshine!

Hi folks!

It's another sun drenched morning and despite the fact that we had not seen rain in what seems like forever, it is a glorious change to the months and months of overcast skies. Mind you, I swear I have seen plants pull their roots out of the ground and very slowly make their way to the birdbath. Then again, it might have been the lack of sleep talking. (What kind of mushrooms were in that salad ?)

Anyway, we have again come to the end of the membership drive and for those who were able to donate this time around, muchas gracias.  The lights will stay on for another six months, the core staff will continue to buzz about sprinkling magic here and there to make new initiatives take flight, and the volunteers will continue to seek out interesting music and spoken word content for your listening pleasure. Not sure how Cally feels about that. She would prefer I played metal 24/7 and spent more time outside rather than previewing music but then again, she only has one vote in this house. Nothing more cookies won't smooth over, I suspect.

Did you know that the new volunteer staff guy has set up a student space for listening to albums? Like, vinyl albums! It's at the UTSU Student Commons and if I was still going to school I would no doubt be living there in between classes. Check it out here:

And coming up in the next few weeks, yours truly will be adding a recommendation or two from Bandcamp for your consideration on the blogspot ( or which you can decipher with a secret decoder ring. Had to come up with something for those who donated to this show! However, the week after it goes up, I will also post the selection again without the encryption for everyone to enjoy so if a donation wasn't to be for you this time around, never fear! 

At this juncture, just thought I would put in a word for another station which is near and dear to my heart. It is CFRU933 in Guelph ( and Ruby Slippers' sister show, Through The Looking Glass, which

airs at 9 pm on Sundays. Different day, different time, different feel entirely. If you are feeling like more mellow fare, may I invite you to join me there. This was my first station and a place of adventures some of which are best left in the past...LOL. 

Well, that's all for today. Nothing earth shattering or even thought provoking really. Just wanted you all to know that the music never stops and as long as there is breathe in this bod, there will continue to be a place that you can stop by and experience new music with like minded people.

Stay safe and rock out!

carolB and Cally the wonderdog